寵物雜貨 Petss.net


Petss.net is a pet supplies website. The story behind its creation goes like this: The owner adopted a cat in 2002 and named it “肥嘟嘟” (Fatty). Later, the cat contracted feline panleukopenia, a dangerous disease for such a small cat, and its life was constantly at risk. Fortunately, after about a month of treatment, the cat recovered. However, its overall health and ability to absorb nutrients were noticeably weaker compared to cats of the same age. From that moment on, the owner started searching for pet products that were beneficial for pets in terms of food, clothing, shelter, and overall well-being. Whenever the owner found something good, they felt compelled to share it with others. That’s why in the summer of 2005, Petss.net was born as a platform to share and provide quality pet supplies.