Direct WhatsApp Tool (Free)

Whatsapp without contact

whatsapp without contact-whatsapp without saving number

Enter the phone number
Whatsapp without saving number

If merchant needs to directly send WhatsApp messages to unknown customers, it used to be necessary to first add them as contacts, which is quite cumbersome. Now, simply by using the above WhatsApp link tool, you can dialogue directly on whatsapp without saving number !
Feel free to bookmark this page for convenience : )

If you are an Apple MacBook user, you can first download the WhatsApp desktop application to send WhatsApp messages quicker and more efficiently!

Note: We do not collect any phone numbers, so everyone can use it with peace of mind.

The WhatsApp Link Generator, which allows sending whatsapp without conntact , is provided by the full-featured online store platform, Mshop.

Video tutorial

whatsapp without contact-whatsapp without saving number

How to create a WhatsApp Link and set default messages

In addition to sending whatsapp without contact through the above free WhatsApp tool, you can also create a WhatsApp Link and set default messages by following these steps:

1. Creatie WhatsApp Link to chat

Open any web browser and enter the following format link in the address bar:


Example: “”

This allows you to send whatsapp without saving number.

whatsapp without contact-whatsapp without saving number
whatsapp without contact-whatsapp without saving number-whatsapp text

2. Create a default message template in WhatsApp


To join the WhatsApp default message template, you can also add “?text=” at the end of the link, followed by the default text you want:


Example: “, I want to know more”

When setting a default message, if you want to enter English or space messages, please use “+” as a space.

If you want to input “want more information”, add “+” to become “want+more+information” to correctly send the message.

Example: “”

Through the above method, even if WhatsApp does not add contacts, merchants can also customize the content template in advance, which also allows customers to easily contact the merchant.

In addition to using WhatsApp messages for communicating with customers,
do you want to learn more strategies for managing an online store?

In managing an online store, sending WhatsApp messages is just one way of interacting with customers. Are you looking for more comprehensive strategies and suggestions for operating an online store? Check out the following related articles immediately:

Mshop’s online store management system offers numerous features, including local payments, logistics management, order processing, inventory control, and membership management, enabling store owners to operate daily business more efficiently. We also offer customized services to assist the development of your online store. Are you looking for a more comprehensive system to start an online store?

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